BlueGold® Vibrant Floral (Bloom Booster Flower Food) - Eden BlueGold®
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June 7, 2013
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June 7, 2013
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BlueGold® Vibrant Floral (Bloom Booster Flower Food)

(28 customer reviews)


 “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”
-Alexander Den Heijer

Use BlueGold® Vibrant Floral with our complete Nutrient Lineup or to enhance your non-synthetic inputs. With BlueGold® Vibrant Floral you can expect to grow flowers year-round in zones +/- 8,9,10, see increased flowering cycles, increased leaf terpene production, explosive foliage and root growth, and increased blooms, buds, and flower sets.

BlueGold® Vibrant Floral is 100% Natural and NOP Compliant for Certified Organic Programs (please contact your certifier before use). BlueGold® Vibrant Floral is a safe pH balanced Wetting Agent formulated from only NOP Compliant and Certified Organic Herbs, Minerals, Plant Oils and Extracts complexed further with Plant Saponins and Carbohydrates. It is trade-secret manufactured without high heat, acids, solvents, or harsh chemicals to reveal higher levels of nutrients and preserve inherent all-natural biological strains. Vibrant Floral is supercritical in optimizing the nutrient delivery and immune system of any floral, annual, perennial, including potted florals, flowering plants, trees, shrubs, ornamentals, vines, succulents, cactus, etc., and it also increases the life of fresh cuts and buds. For best results use as a foliar feed. It makes water wetter for increased soluble uptake and penetration. This optimization and uptake with properly balanced nutrition in plant sap/pH can boost remarkable results like packed trichomes, huge flower formations, tight internode stacking, huge continual blooms with deeper vibrant colors and aromas, higher BRIX (resulting in natural pest/disease control), increase beneficials/pollination/biology/worms, reduce water usage due to increased soil holding capacity, eliminate root rot conditions (with no synthetic use), reduce fertilizer inputs +/- 90% (dependent upon plant sap/pH), and more! Apply in all growth stages and most grow media (caution do not use synthetically enhanced or high Na/Ch media with BlueGold®), and onto edibles up to the day of harvest. By itself, BlueGold® Vibrant Floral will not harm ANY floral, plant, biology, system, human, animal, environment, pollinator or beneficial (including birds, butterflies, earthworms, etc.) For ALL florals we recommend BlueGold® Hydro protect them from frost, freeze, and heat. BlueGold® Vibrant Floral is 100% American made.

As the manufacturer we offer Guaranteed Results when used as directed. A limited guarantee restricted to exclusive use with BlueGold® products and systems subject to soil, plant, water conditions, and Postal damages. No warranty. 

SKU: 850682008067 Categories: ,

By itself, BlueGold® Vibrant Floral will never cause burning. Do NOT combine with pesticides/chemicals/plant cleaners/etc. BlueGold® Vibrant Floral magnifies anything it touches and greatly enhances nutrient uptake. All BlueGold® Solutions have the ability to magnify anything they are mixed with or come into contact within the soil, water, or on plant leaf surfaces. Very recent (months prior) or current use of chemicals like fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, algaecides, bactericides, miticides, pesticides, biocides, fumigants, plant growth regulators, pH Up/Down chemicals, dyes, etc., – all can cause an unfavorable interaction due to the BlueGold® Solution magnifying the strength of said chemical. Strengthened doses of those chemicals can result in direct stress, burning, or death of plants. BlueGold® Solutions by themselves, without chemical interactions, will never cause these issues in any plant or soil (when used as directed)Users must respect BlueGold® labels and reduce NPK/synthetic inputs by +/- 90%. If by user choice, against our directions/recommendations, to use chemical inputs by combining with BlueGold®, they must be reduced by 90% or more. If you quickly move the pH to 6.4 with the help of pH adjusters, without adjusting inputs, you’re drastically making inputs more available, which results in stressed, burned, or dead plants from too big of a hit from the nutrients that are now available at a much higher % than previously. Especially when all the excess stored up chemicals inputs, flood into the plants at even higher EC/PPM values. Likewise, if you do not adjust inputs while using BlueGold®, as soil/sap pH is driven to 6.4, the same can happen over an extended period depending on soil and watering conditions. We do not advocate mixing BlueGold® with any chemicals. This all only applies to chemical-based products and does not apply to organic-based products except for humic and fulvic acids as they are already in the BlueGold®. If you feel you need more, then start at a reduced rate of 90% and test on a few plants first. If you have sprayed or applied granular chemicals to your plants/soil previously/currently we suggest the following steps: 1) Hose the plants/soil down with clean water at least 3 separate times and 2) use the foliar rate below of BlueGold® Vibrant Floral at 90% less of the recommended BlueGold® foliar base rate application for the first 3-4 applications. For example, rather than use 1 tbsp (15 mL) per 1 gallon of foliar spray to start your foliar sprays (as directed on label); instead, begin with a ½ teaspoon (2.5 mL) per 1 gallon of foliar spray. Also, for the root soak reduce to a ¼ tsp per 5-gallon bucket of water to root drench (water) the plants for 3 to 4 watering’s before using the regular rates of 1 to 2 mL per gallon of water. Best used with non-city or chemically treated water sources. Best if RO, distilled, or rain/spring water is used. BlueGold® works and works very well in all organic situations with no side effects. If you encounter problems in the plants from the chemicals by your choice, then STOP.


FOLIAR: 15 mL (1 tbsp) per gallon of clean water – daily (+ multiple times p/day if you have to increase plant health quickly) or minimum of 3x per week – foliar anytime, including evenings, but early AM is best
Safe to use on any foliage or blooms when using foliar applications. Use Vibrant Floral as a stand-alone in foliar if you’re not using it with another BlueGold® Solution. Spray Vibrant Floral to a drip especially under the leaves (where bugs hide/lay eggs). If the plant immune system is low (showing signs of pest, disease, weed pressure), up the Vibrant Floral foliar rate to 60 mL (4 tbsp) per gallon until the immune system raises and the deficiencies are gone – usually within 3-4 waterings. Please contact us (1-307-275-7010 or if issues persist. When you foliar, we recommend you mix 1oz Flower Power, with the 1 tbsp BlueGold® Vibrant Floral, and 1 tsp Super Carb in 1 gallon of clean water. We recommend foliating as soon as 15 minutes later (one day max) after you’ve watered the root zone. The more you foliar, the better results you will see.


ROOT ZONE (FERTIGATION): 1 tsp (max) per 5-gallon bucket (a little less than 1/4 tsp per gallon) of clean water – maximum 2x per week
If you add BlueGold® Super Carb to your root zone waterings use 1-2 tsp per 5-gallons. You can also add Flower Power at 1 tbsp per 5-gallons. Preferable R/O, spring, or rainwater instead of chemical city water. Using BlueGold® Fusion Compost Flower or Vegetative NPK Paste in the soil with the BlueGold® Vibrant Floral foliar feed recommendation above is a winning combo.

Always test soil moisture with a finger before watering. If the soil sticks to your finger there is no need to water. If using Soil Moisture Meter water at 27%. BlueGold® Solutions make water penetrate deeper/broader reducing watering requirement needs. Hot/Dry/Cold/Wet zones may require +/- waterings.


SEED GERMINATION: 1 tsp per 1-gallon of clean water
It is safe to foliar newly germinated clones/seeds daily at the above rate. To increase the clone germination rate, spray clones with the BlueGold® Vibrant Floral 5-15 minutes just before planting. Increase transplanting plant success with immediate foliar/root soak applications.


Helpful Hints and Suggestions: For more information please call us on 1-307-275-7010 or email

  • Because we preserve the essential plant microbiology, pressure can slightly build in the bottle, which vents through a special vented cap seal we use. To avoid leaks, never shake, only roll side to side to mix. Always open slowly & carefully like you would a soda bottle. Often BlueGold® is shaken during shipping. Be careful opening the bottle for the first time so as not to experience excessive fizzing and loss of product. Sometimes there can be slight leaks if the carrier is extra rough with the shipping. If there is a problem with the shipment, please contact us at 1-307-275-7010 or email
  • Due to the biologically active natural plant saponins, always add BlueGold® Vibrant Floral to water to reduce foaming. Always add BlueGold® Vibrant Floral to water; never add water to BlueGold®. The natural saponin plant surfactants will act like soap and cause extreme foaming if you add water to Hydro.
  • If you have a big problem with Nutrient Lock-Out due to pH & imbalanced soil/plant sap ratios — or if you’ve recently applied chemical fertilizer or been abundantly applying NPK fertilizers with little to no results, we recommend using BlueGold® Vibrant Floral at 90% less the normal rate and work up to the recommended rates above.
  • BlueGold® Solutions gradually move the soil/plant sap pH towards 6.4. At this level of pH, all soil-stored and new nutrients become the most available into the plants. Successful gardening begins and ends with soil/plant sap pH at 6.4. pH below 6.4 will lock-out (9% per each 1/10th pH tick movement): Ca, Mg, K, and available Na Salts. pH above 6.4 will lock-out (9% per each 1/10th pH tick movement): P, S, Si, and all Micronutrients. We’ve created a graphic for visual understanding – view it here. Keep soil/sap pH at 6.4 in VEG and 6.3 in FLOWER for best growth/blooms results.
  • Most soils are deficient in the critical minerals of Phosphate & Calcium. Listen to our in-depth Podcast on YouTube (Eden Blue Gold) and find our Soft Rock Phosphate and Calcium on our website. A general rule: If you’re growing on the West Coast, you’re higher in Calcium and need Phosphate. If you’re growing on the East Coast, you’re higher in Phosphate and need Calcium. You need both, and they need to be put in at balanced ratios. Sometimes soils are so out of balance and devoid of all nutrition you may need to sprinkle more at the beginning of your plant restoration project. Do this 3-5x a year. Our Organic Worm Castings are incredibly high in organic matter. Sprinkle 3-5 tbsp on the soil around plants 7x a year.
  • Store BlueGold® Vibrant Floral in a cool dark place with the vented cap slightly loose to allow for pressure relief from the continued biological activity in the Solution. The leftover mix is good for 30 days. 
  • We recommended spraying soil in Winter months for Spring planting prep. Can be sprayed on top of snow up to 10x through Winter for soil prep.
  • BlueGold® Vibrant Floral causes extreme root growth, caution with plastic/cloth pots (root bounding increases stress).
  • BlueGold® can be used with pump-up sprayers, hose-end sprayers (put on 3oz setting), and/or watering pails.
  • Safe to apply in all weather conditions, hot or cold, and before, during, and/or after rain. BlueGold® Vibrant Floral has been tested from 15°F to 125°F with no detriment to plants, soil, blooms. The best time to spray is early morning when dew is present.
  • BlueGold® Vibrant Floral is not harmful to the skin. If contact occurs, wash afterward to avoid dry skin.
  • BlueGold® will not stain, damage, or otherwise discolor surfaces such as wood, metal, clay, plastic, or fabrics when used at recommended rates.


At Eden Solutions, we do not believe in just selling you a BlueGold® Solution. Instead, we believe in providing Amazing Results for real problems that require real solutions. Our goal is the best customer support and products in the industry, and we start by standing behind our products 100%, guaranteed. They are tested and used on our farms exclusively, before yours! No question is a silly question; only the ones not asked. Please contact us at 1-307-275-7010 or email anytime. We are eager to receive your call if you have any questions or need help in any way with BlueGold® Solutions or applications. We are happy to serve you and go over your current protocols and inputs and help to devise a successful approach to introducing BlueGold® and recommend the best choices. We offer an industry first PPM plant sap analysis testing + correct soil analysis testing services through Apical.

Additional information
Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 5.37 × 2.25 × 2.25 in

8oz, 32oz, 1 gallon

Reviews (28)

28 reviews for BlueGold® Vibrant Floral (Bloom Booster Flower Food)

  1. DLJ

    It revived some new plants that looked like they would not make it. –DLJ

  2. Brad Kinney

    As with ALL Eden Solutions products – This is a great product – totally worthy of your time and energy! Best customer service I have ever had in 41 years of life!!! Kudos Eden Solutions. Thank you for being such a great company! –Brad Kinney

  3. D. Brown

    Phenomenal. I have had a trouble madagascar orchid that was happy last year until the summer soltice, then it got too much Florida sun so I dug it up and moved it to a shady spot. Although it had been growing slowing the leaves kept curling and didn’t know it if was too much water, or not enough or fertilzier or what. I have used this product twice on it in two weeks, and it is growing new growth like mad and the leaves have stopped curling. I will never be without this product not only for troublesome plants but it really works on happy plants, and new transplants and new seedlings. –D. Brown

  4. Randy Chandler

    I am a certified turf and landscape professional. I have tried MANY products over the years. I was looking for a product that:
    1. was organic/natural to get away from poisoning the earth with chemical fertilizers
    2. would actually work
    3. would be cost effective enough to use in my business. I have tried some organics before and they didn’t quit deliver the level I needed for my clients and most of the time were 3-4 times the cost of non-organic products.

    Blue Gold™ has passed all three of the above criteria. I have used this product over a period of time and can only say good things about it. EVERYTHING I use it on has responded favorably and I have actually preformed side by side testing on some of my plant material. Blue Gold™ has been a God-send for us in the business and I can safely use on everything in my spectrum, turf, shrubs, trees, vines and ground cover. I will be using this product as much as I possibly can as bottom line it is just a no-brainer. It’s NOP compliant, it works, it’s affordable. I recommend if you have not had good luck with other organics, give Blue Gold™ at least a test drive. –Randy Chandler

  5. Laura C.

    This is UNBELIEVABLE! I have tried dozens of different solutions, powders, dips, sprays, whatevers and NEVER FOUND ANYTHING TO MATCH THIS! –Laura C.

  6. Charlotte Cavatica

    Explosive growth. This stuff is amazing! After 2 feedings, the rust on my hollyhocks is almost gone. It has been a problem for years. –Charlotte Cavatica

  7. Cactus Wren

    I have applied Vibrant Floral Bloom Booster to many of my flowering bonsai and other container plants and it has encouraged them to bud-up. Just don’t shake the bottle before opening, instead gently roll bottle to mix. –Cactus Wren

  8. Beverly Parrott

    Oh my gosh this is great stuff. Lovvvvvvve it. –Beverly Parrott

  9. Heather

    I am so happy with my purchase. I live in FL where the heat tends to burn alot of my plants and I have very sandy soil as a result my plants end up look sad. But in the short time I have been using this product I have noticed improved growth, better blooms, and the couple of plants that were in distress are starting to come back. –Heather

  10. Sharon D.

    The results were so good that I had to buy more. I’m hooked. –Sharon D.

  11. Alex

    My flowers have never bloomed this bright and in such an abundance and I will be a customer for life!! Great product!!! –Alex

  12. nimbusmode

    Good stuff plants are happy. –nimbusmode

  13. Robert

    Five Stars! –Robert

  14. Katherine H.

    I am really impressed with this products description and is exactly the type of product that I have looking for. I like that this contains natural and organic ingredients. I am using this with most of my plants and will need to update at a later date. –Katherine H.

  15. CHF

    Fertilizer arrived on time and was securely packaged… no leaks. A lot of nutrition for your plants happening in the this little 8 oz bottle! This will make 47 gallons… Mix 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon a of water and use it by watering the soil around the plant base, not the leaves. Fabulous for container gardening. –CHF

  16. MammaShopper

    I love planting flowers around, it lives the whole place up. Unfortunately, plants don’t appreciate my efforts and I end up killing everything I own. In the last 2 years, I’ve tried genuinely and very hard and have managed to keep several flowering plants that actually came back this year! Woot! Well, I blew it. I didn’t water my plants for 4 days and it was super hot out. Gah! 😭 Thankfully I didn’t kill anything off, so I immediately watered them all with this solution every other day for a week and they are beginning to come back to life again. The solution smells of dish soap and looks like thickish green algae lake water. It foams up if you add it to the water as its filling – oops – so I had to let it settle before watering. Super easy, though, I don’t exactly understand what’s in it that works, but it seems to. –MammaShopper

  17. Wiwse

    It’s been over two weeks since I applied this and I do see a beneficial difference on some of the plants. The roses, especially, seem to have responded to this well. I still don’t see any difference on the non-flowering plants, but maybe that will take more time to see. This made a good difference to my poor roses who are struggling in the summer heat and humidity of Atlanta. –Wiwse

  18. Jeanette O.

    Wow, what a difference the Blue Gold™ Vibrant Floral has made on my geraniums, daisies, and my bottle brush plants! The geraniums look better than they ever did and my daisies that I thought were finished for the year bloomed out vibrant and beautiful again. My bottle brush bush is once again in full bloom after applying just 1 tsp. : 1 gallon of water to them every other day for just 3 days! I just love this and it’s true that it will super-charge your plants. I can’t wait to try their formula for roses. Also, when I contacted them on a Saturday morning to see about ordering the rose gold, they answered immediately. They were polite and thankful for my business. –Jeanette O.

  19. Rachael M.

    Amazing!! Absolutely amazing!! After trying the Blue Gold™ Fusion Compost for my lawn and being COMPLETELY satisfied I want to try something for our flower bed. Again I spoke with James at Eden about what would be good for our Holly plants. He recommended this.. Again… amazing results!! I have used it on the azaleas, crape myrtles,Hawthorns, and a few other bushes. The azaleas went crazy. All kinds of new growth on EVERYTHING. Also sprayed our Japanese Maples. Again great Company with great products. They actually care about the customer. Will be ordering more in the future!! Best review I could give is the fact I will be a returning customer! –Rachael M.

  20. Sarah Anne

    So far so good… –Sarah Anne

  21. Prime For Life

    It takes a couple weeks of consistent root watering and foliar spraying with this stuff…but it’ll all pay off. All my flowering plants have been going crazy since using this stuff. I’m on my second bottle. The first one lasted me about 2 or 3 months. I’ve been recommending this stuff to all my friends with gardens. –Prime For Life

  22. Customer

    Great product. I am an avid gardener, both indoors and out. This product has helped tremendously in bloom production, in the garden and in the house. I have a hibiscus that hasn’t bloomed for years…finally I see some buds starting to form! I have to attribute it to Blue Gold™ Vibrant Floral.

  23. Customer

    I am truly impressed by Blue Gold™ Vibrant Floral. I have been using it for 2 1/2 weeks and so far its been extremely helpful. I have noticed all of my indoor plants look healthier. During the summer, in the South Texas heat, my outdoor potted plants usually require daily watering. I have been able to skip days using Blue Gold™ Vibrant Floral. My hydrangeas are blooming more than every before. Great product.

  24. Customer

    I am new to the gardening game and can use any advantage I can get. I don’t really know much about which product is better than any others as far as this type of product but I do know that this WORKS! I decided to use this on a couple of things that I have multiples of to test it. My untreated dahlia are about a foot and half tall while the treated one is almost three feet. My coleus plants were dying from the heat we’ve been having here and not only are they alive and well, I have one that is flowering.

  25. Delores

    I have a couple of interesting things going on. My reblooming Iris which normally will bloom twice a year is blooming all summer. Sprayed with Blue Gold™ Vibrant Floral and Blue Gold™ Special K.

  26. Kevin R. Seiter

    Eden Solutions came up with another excellent additive for my medical marijuana. Follow directions as it is superconcentrated, and don’t hesitate to contact their customer help division for advice. I can’t get enough of their products. –Kevin R. Seiter

  27. Jeff Wilson

    Two treatments drove super blooms! A little goes a long way. I use it for all my flowering plants indoor and outdoor. It was given to me as a gift and now I’m a big fan! –Jeff Wilson

    Blue Gold Vibrant Floral

  28. Amy Carraway

    SAW aphids for the first time on my swamp and whorled milkweed this morning! I grabbed my notepad where I write down your formulas and reminders from you and James. I poured up floral, hydro, garden and water and gently mixed them and added to a spray bottle. I liberally sprayed stems and both sides of the leaves. Came in, set my bottle down, walked out to cuss them, and the were DEAD. Not dying, but dead. I praised Jesus, mentally high fived your team, and went on Amazon to buy more bottles. It wiped out what I had on hand. I’m praying the butterflies come back. The butterfly purists say to never spray anything on milkweed, but I listen to you every day over them. Farmers know their stuff. The bees are right back on it, so I think we’re good.

    Thought you’d love to know!

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